(2020) with Livia Puljak, Anamarija Mladinić, and Zvonimir Koporc, ‘Before and after enforcement of GDPR: Personal data protection requests received by Croatian Personal Data Protection Agency from academic and research institutions’, Biochemia Medica, Vol 30, No.3.

(2016) Professional Research Ethics: Helping to Balance Individual and Institutional
Integrity, Chapter 20: pp.391-406 in van den Hoonaard, W.C. and Hamilton,
A. (eds.) The Ethics Rupture: Exploring Alternatives to Formal Research Ethics Review, Toronto: University of Toronto Press
ISBN 978-14426-4832-6

(2016) Mediating Ethics in Research Practice, Chapter 14: pp. 171-82 in Tolich, M. (ed) Qualitative Ethics in Practice, California: Left Coast Press
ISBN 978-1-62958-167-5

(2014) Ethical issues in surveillance and privacy, Chapter 5 in Stedmon A.W. and Lawson, G. (eds.) Hostile Intent and Counter-Terrorism: Human Factors Theory and Application, Aldershot: Ashgate

(2005) ‘Ethical Issues in Qualitative Health Research’, Ch 2 pp.17-35 in Holloway, I.
(ed) Qualitative Research in Health Care, Maidenhead: Open University Press
ISBN 0 335 21293 X (pb)

(2003) ‘Social and Individual Factors in Public Health’, Chapter 2 in Costello, J. and
Haggart, M. (eds) Public Health and Society, London: Palgrave. Ch. 2: 23-41
ISBN 0-333-97173-6 (pb)

(2001) ‘Strong words, strong minds, strong bodies: an analysis of the narrative structure of affirmatory metaphors in personal development programs’, in Watson, N. et al. Reframing The Body (Vol. II), London: Macmillan. Ch.2, 29-46

(1998) ‘Understanding Motives in Learning: Mature Students and Learner Responsibility’, Chapter 5 in Brown, S., Armstrong, S. and Thompson, G. (eds.) Motivating Students, London: Kogan Page, Ch 2: 37-45


(2019) Regulating artificial intelligence and robotics: ethics by design in a digital society, Contemporary Social Science (with M. Kritikos) (Published online 2019-01-03)
DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1563803

(2019) Ethics assessment in research proposals adopting CRISPR technology, Biochemia medica (with Z. Koporc, F. Hirsch)
(Published online 2019-06-15)
DOI: 10.11613/BM.2019.020202

(2017) It was 50 years ago today, Network (Magazine of the British Sociological Association – BSA), pp.42-3, ISSN: 1742-1616

(2017) Epistemological Metaphors: Orders of Knowledge and Control in the Encyclopedist Myths of Cyberspace, International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (ISSN 2356-5926) Vol, 4, Issue 2, September, pp. 122-141

(2017) Positive About Religion, Network (Magazine of the BSA) Spring, p.30.

(2017) Governance and Ethics: Maintaining the Distinction, Editorial – The TRUST Project e-Newsletter, see

(2016) All my unvisited archives, Times Higher Education, 11 August, p.24

(2016) Better Safe than Sorry (Print headline) Online: ‘Safety is more important than privacy’ Times Higher Education, 28 April

(2016) ‘The op. cit. effect’, Times Higher Education, 14 January, p.32

(2014) ‘Risk Management’, Times Higher Education, 3 July, p.26

(2014) ‘What made you choose blue? On becoming more “awkward”’, Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, Vol. 15, 1: 3 – 9

(2008) with Clarke, K. ‘A phenomenological study into unseen chronic pain’, British Journal of Nursing, 17(10) 658-663

(2007) with Corrin, A. ‘Advancing the profession of hypnotherapy’, European
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, Vol 7, Issue 4, pp.2-12

(2007) with Krayer, A. & Ingledew, D. ‘Social comparison and body image in
adolescence: a grounded theory approach’, Health Education Research,
December 20th

(2007) with West, E. & Griffith, W. ‘British and American FNS Nurses (1950s –
1960s): Oral History Narratives on Nursing’, Oral History, (Autumn),
pp. 23-35.

(2007) with Clarke, K. ‘Accepting pain management or seeking pain cure – an
exploration of patients’ attitudes to chronic pain’, Pain Management Nursing, Vol. 8, No 2 (June), 2007: pp 102-110

(2007) with Sims, J. and Kristian, M R ‘Profile of secondary care attendees with identified alcohol misuse problems’, Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 7 Issue 1,
(May) pp. 16-24.